Welcome to the website of author Jeff Henigson.
Look around. Read about Jeff’s memoir, WARHEAD: The True Story of One Teen Who Almost Saved the World. See if he’s speaking at an Event near you. Check out Jeff’s Countdown Blog, or take a peek at his Bio page. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!
For media inquiries and bookstore appearances, send an email to media@jeffhenigson.com.
For other appearances, including festivals, presentations, and conferences, please contact:
Lisa McClatchy liske@aol.com
For literary rights, please contact:
Daniel Lazar dlazar@writershouse.com (212) 685-2400
To say hello to Jeff, share an idea, or make a comment, click here. He reads every message and responds to as many as he can.
Jeff can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. To get updates on WARHEAD and Jeff’s other projects, subscribe to his newsletter.